List of Good Excuses for No Call, No Show at Work
Working can understandably be too stressful, hence the need for absence once in a while. However, as an employee of an establishment, it is only right you first request approved permission for a no show at work.
Most jobs prefer when employees make absence requests as early as possible before pulling up a no show. Better still, they prefer such an employee find an alternative to work if they cannot show up. But can an employee pull off a successful no-call no-show without being penalized? The answer is yes!
Here Are Some Good Excuses For No Call, No Show At Work
This excuse is considered one of the most understandable. No employer wants to have an unproductive staff because they are ill, so you could be let off the hook if you claimed you were too sick that couldn’t call to inform anyone before your no show at work.
Even better, a visit to the doctor might even seem more satisfying to your employer. But this could be a risky excuse if you have a nosey employer who might demand to see a doctor’s note. To be on the safer side, get one handy.
This excuse is quite the risky one, but you never know. It might work. Claiming you overdosed on pills because you’ve been having issues falling asleep, and then, this ‘one time’, successfully got some rest, but slept through the day could actually win you some sympathy from your employer and let you off the hook.
But this is only a more efficient excuse if you’ve been a dedicated staff. Hence, it might be assumed work was one of the contributing factors to your ‘sleepless nights. Nevertheless, this is an excuse you can get away with only once.
Just like illness, a decline in mental health could mean low productivity at the workplace, and it’s due to this, that a depressed or mentally unhealthy person can be legitimately given days off work to recoup.
Imagine being so sad, depressed, and being in a position you had no will for anything that concerned life — to make things more believable, you had a note from your psychiatrist to back these claims up. It could be considered enough as a reason to not have shown up at work for a day or even two.
Many people who really suffer from depression, might not really use this as an excuse. It is understood that depressed people do not really speak up, so you could be thought to be among the little percentage who are open about theirs.
Privacy is a sacred thing to most people, this means nobody would want to go prying into your personal life to know what particular ‘family emergency’ might have kept you from work; except maybe, your close colleagues who are only interested in the good of your welfare.
However, this excuse is quite a sensitive one as you could have real-time family emergencies spring up in the future and you don’t want to always be absent from work multiple times for the same reason.
Working could be even more difficult if your work devices are damaged. You could use this as an excuse for a no-call no-show at work and even buttress that you could not reach due to the damaged devices.
However, it would be expected you skipped work to get them serviced. So, you must ensure your devices are properly functional on your return — that is the only proof that got them serviced.
Of all excuses, this is the most flexible. It could be a gas leak at home, your presence being demanded urgently at your kid’s school, an accident to a family member or close friend, your babysitter cancelling on you, or even a plumbing issue. It could be anything you deem fit to use as an excuse.
But you would also have to be mindful that unexpected circumstances rarely happen, and it’s best if you spread out the times you tell your boss, “something unexpected happened”, perhaps, only twice in an entire year.
Nobody wants to discredit you for being robbed or burgled, and it is clearly understandable if you have to take a day off if you had a horrifying experience the previous night, or the morning before.
Since this might just be an excuse for missing work, you would need to keep your details about the supposed uneventful experience short, and unchanged and that your office is not willing to bring in the police to assist you on the case.
This excuse is slightly different from just being sick. Food poisoning is better understood as rounds of constant vomiting, diarrhoea, and just lots of nastiness all around which could lead to severe dehydration and possible energy loss. It means you were fine as at when you last spoke to your boss or your favourite colleague but experienced a sudden change in your body system barely hours later — possibly after you’ve had a weird dinner.
The good thing about this excuse is that no one is going to question you, and in most cases, you might not need a doctor’s report to corroborate your excuse.
This one is a very sympathetic excuse. Your employers would expectedly understand and ask if you wish to take the day off. It’s that easy of an excuse, especially if the person presumed to be late is a direct family member.
Companies that might not usually grant leave if the dead person in question is a friend or an associate, would unarguably do so if the deceased was a close relative. It is understood that it would be difficult for a person to concentrate on carrying out their duties effectively if they lost someone. But is this excuse really worth it if there’s no funeral to follow suit?
Often regarded as a simple lie, your excuse could be that you actually did leave a message ahead of your no show at work. But this could often backfire, as you would be required to show proof.
A more efficient approach to this excuse would be a verbal excuse, than an electronic one. You could have a reliable colleague back you up and then take the fall for you by claiming he/she forgot to pass the message on. Again, this excuse might not work with every boss or in every organization.
Things You Must Do To Make Your Excuse More Understandable
The major reasons employers’ frown at no shows at work is because an expected target would be unmet. Hence, it is always good to come with ways you can still carry out tasks required of you without the job suffering.
Whether you have a co-worker to cover your shift in your absence or do double the work expected of you the next week, you need to make your employers see you as one who values the job and wouldn’t want it to suffer even when you could be available.
While some reasons for your excuse might mean you cannot work at all, others just require you to stay away from work for a day or more.
This means you would rather work from your comfort zone. Yes, you might be trying to avoid work and get some rest, but your work would still be undone even after you return. So, what could be better than being so relaxed while still meeting your target?
After taking days off work, it would be expected that upon return, you’re in a good mood to work. So why not show why you’re a good employee by taking up responsibilities not regularly expected of you.
You don’t need to go out of your way. It could be simple things such as making great inputs during team meetings/bonding or assisting colleagues in carrying out tasks.
Employers would rather prefer you come in late, or leave early — that way, you work at least part of your scheduled shift than not show up to work at all.
Since it’s easy to wiggle, make your plan to leave work early (or come in later, depending on which is preferable to you), make your request, and then go on with your plan. It would make you seen as a dedicated worker.
Some Excuses You Should Avoid Using
It would be considered seriously irresponsible to tell your boss that you missed work because you had to attend a party the night before and had a little too much.
As much as work can get tiring and we sometimes, don’t feel like going, this should never be considered as an excuse. Professionalism is required at all times, so even when you don’t feel like it, give a more professional reason.